Athens Aggravated Assault Attorney
Georiga Aggravated Assault Laws & Penalties
As a felony offense, the criminal sentence for an aggravated assault charge could include up to 20 years in prison as well as fines, probation, community service and more.
Violent acts that qualify for aggravated assault include:
There are other factors that could result in an increased prison sentence. For example, committing assault against an on-duty law enforcement agent could result in 5 to 20 years in prison, while assault against a victim over the age of 65 is punishable by 3 to 20 years of imprisonment.
Our firm is committed to defending the rights of individuals charged with criminal offenses. Call (706) 705-5122 to discuss your case.
Challenging An Aggravated Assault Charge
An aggravated assault charge can result in far more than a criminal sentence-a conviction will also be reported on your criminal record. This can seriously impact your ability to apply for jobs or school. For this reason, fighting your case is recommended.
Depending on your case, a number of potential defenses can be used to challenge your charge. For example, the prosecution must prove there was intent to harm another person. However, a defense lawyer may argue that you were saying things in anger, rather than actually threatening bodily harm against the victim.
Athens assault defense attorney Lee Webb is well known throughout the Georgia legal system for his aggressive and proactive defense for clients accused of crimes. Call (706) 705-5122 to find out what he can do for your case.

Why Choose Our Firm?
Put a Devoted Attorney On Your Side
We understand both the procedure of drug & alcohol tests, and the science behind them
Attorney Webb has earned numerous awards for his standard of excellence.
Clients receive Attorney Webb's personal cell phone & email address.
We have over 25 years of legal experience.

We Can Make A Difference
Hear From Other Clients We've Helped
I scheduled a consultation with Mr. Webb and within 5 minutes of the consult and giving my statement to my case I felt comfortable and confident.- Criminal Defense Client
Lee did an amazing job on my case. He asked me to walk through all of the details of what had happened and then studied the police reports in great detail. Once we went to court it was clear from the beginning that the judges and prosecutors really respect- Kevin W. / DUI Client
This was a first-time DUI (0.08), first-ever offense of any sort. I was referred to Lee by a lawyer friend. Lee and Alisa (his assistant) did an outstanding job of guiding me through the process from first contact all the way through trial (that never occu- DUI Client